Curso de Inglés

Upper-Intermediate English


Inicio: 16 de Septiembre de 2024


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Presumed Knowledge for the B2 Upper Intermediate Level Oral Course


  • Present Simple and Continuous / Progressive, action and non-action verbs.
  • Future forms: Present Continuous, be going to, will / won´t.
  • Present Perfect and Past Simple; Present Perfect + for / since, Present Perfect Continuous
  • Choosing between comparatives and superlatives
  • Articles a / an, the, no article
  • Obligation and prohibition: have to, must, should
  • Ability and possibility: can, could, be able to
  • Past Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect
  • Past and present habits and states
  • Passive (all tenses)
  • Modals of deduction: might, can´t, must
  • First conditional and future time; clauses with + when / until, etc.
  • Second conditional; choosing between conditionals
  • Choosing between gerunds and infinitives
  • Reported speech: sentences and questions
  • Third conditional
  • Quantifiers: a lot of, lots of, loads of, a lot, many, much, plenty of, too much, too many, enough,
    any, no, none
  • Relative clauses: defining and non-defining
  • Question tags

El curso desarrollará un vocabulario académico y cotidiano.
Además, es oral y sin traducción.


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Docente a cargo

Fr. Fernando María Reta

Profesor y Licenciado en Ciencias Sagradas, Licenciado y Maestría en Teología (Facultad de San Esteban, Salamanca), College Writing II (Depauw University, USA) y 20 años de enseñanza de materias en inglés a nivel secundario y universitario).